Increasing your website’s conversion rate is possible through many curated touchpoints that make up a customer’s journey with your brand. Your website is the best representation of your brand—right after your own customers, of course!
I like to believe we are all equally invested in generating conversions, no matter our role/type of conversions we are looking for! And these tips can be reviewed and implemented by any marketer looking to increase conversions on site using data and branding strategically. Stay with me here, they’re worth it.
So let’s consider these strategies to increase conversions:
1. Product recommendations, right time & audience
To increase conversions consider showing a visitor a product recommendation based off of what they just added to cart—an immediate bundle opportunity could be too good to pass up - leading to the conversion PLUS increased order value. You’d execute this by firing a pop up after your “add to bag” button is clicked on the product page. Ideally, showing the visitor an upsell or cross sell product. And your copy or messaging should reflect the source/influencer that brought them to your website!
This product recommendation creates a full circle moment, bringing in-store to onsite by allowing your pop up to act as a personal shopper. Concerned with scaring off a new shopper? Coming on too strong? I get it. You can ease into this strategy by targeting your return customers only with this type of product recommendation pop up or post-purchase messaging. After all, they already bought from you once and are more likely to convert again.
2. # Trend
Start a # (hashtag) trend for your community. Today, #dupe culture is being taken on in a direct way! Checkout lululemon’s latest “community builder” dupe swap campaign. Although you may not have a dupe to battle with (yay!), this campaign is a solid example of not shying away from competitors in your space as well as using a hashtag campaign. They kept it simple and sweet and are about to let their product speak for itself. As you build your community via hashtag trends and conversational channels like SMS and email, remember to embrace conversations in your industry to let your customers/subscribers know you’re right there with them!

3. Imagination + collaboration
On the topic of competitors in your space…I’d love for us to think outside of a “competitor-world” mindset and look for Collaborators! With another brand, you can curate and distribute a special edition or “limited-edition” version/bundle of your product. This will lead to you meeting your customers where they shop and solid brand exposure to new audiences! used this strategy to drive more conversions onsite. Their website pop up was clear about the offer and showcased the brand they were partnering with! Win-win situation that provided data on how visitors responded to that collaboration. A similar collaboration in the form of a give-away was executed by Therabody and Beis. They kept it short and sweet with a social media giveaway vs a product offering on site. Explore what works best for you with A/B testing capabilities in Justuno.

Examples: (Top) Therabody + Beis collaborated to present their Fall giveaway on social media. (Bottom) Colorwowhair partnered with DIBS Beauty to promote a Free DIBS gift with purchase when a certain cart threshold was reached.
4. Evolve from discounts
Use Gift Cards & Loyalty points as offers at key touchpoints on site. What is a key touchpoint on your site? A touchpoint is going to be a time/place on your site where your visitor would benefit from an engagement.
You should prioritize showing these offers at the touchpoints of: Arriving on site for the first time (aka your lead capture offer), if a visitor is showing intent to leave your website, if they are abandoning items in cart AND any engagement after checkout (i.e., confirmation and real-time order tracking pages). Believe me, the amount of times that the tracking page is checked would make you think it was its own website!
Take advantage of the visits to this tracking page by presenting new gift card or loyalty point offers for their next purchase. Ideally you have at least 5 touchpoints you are targeting! Here are a few ways to present gift cards to your potential customers (or brand new customers) at your touchpoints.
- Discounted Gift cards - eg value = $50, customer pays = $40
- Gift Card redeemed after 1st purchase to be used on 2nd purchase
- Bundle Gift Cards with Product Offer.

Example: used Justuno to present a gift card offer on the product page. This could be adjusted in many ways to create a bundle experience.
Top touchpoints are typically:
- Welcome message/ lead capture - arrival to site
- Exit offer - visitor with 0 items in cart (less buying intent than a cart abandoner)
- Cart abandonment - visitor leaving site with items in cart
- Item Add to Cart - the moment (or a second after) the visitor adds an item to cart, they see a follow up message. BigCommerce provides a great modal, and combined with a Justuno product recommendation you’re on your way to living and breathing personalization.
5. Surprise messages that delight!
Getting visitors out of their scroll default is its own challenge (especially on mobile). By presenting a visitor with a message that is unique to your brand and that is unexpected is just the POP [up] they need to remain engaged onsite. ‘
The “delight” could come in the form of a contest that only they are able to opt-in to or an actual one time offer! A surprise pop up offer for visitors that are in that constant browsing or researching phase can lead to the type of engagement you want in order to keep a 1x1 experience on site.
And we all know that personalized engagement leads to both quality and increased conversions. An example below from shows how to incorporate surprise and gamification (hunting down the ghost) in order to increase engagement with your brand.

6. Update that site banner
Most websites have the classic top banner on site that tells the tale of free shipping and limited time offers. Give your banner a makeover (that everyone sees) by showcasing reviews, special contests, and personalized shipping notices, all based on what the visitor has viewed or purchased before. This is taking personalization to a whole new level, unlocking more conversions on site.
While you may have many channels to engage with your visitors, you only have one website where you can engage in real-time with your visitor. This “real-time” aspect is what allows you to implement the above strategies to increase conversions. The great news is that you should have tons of behavioral data points to target potential customers onsite with unique and helpful messaging and offers.
Happy converting!